AVBI Medic Alert Tag & I.D. Card: 

Notice to:
Case Managers and Medical Professionals that serve American Veterans who have suffered a brain injury.

AVBI has received numerous letters from case managers and medical professionals who are treating our Servicemembers and Veterans. We are very pleased to hear that you understand the importance of the AVBI medical alert Tag and ID card. 

Thousands of brain injured veterans have found these tools extremely helpful while carrying out their everyday activities. AVBI would like to assure that every brain injured servicemember or veteran, who could benefit from these, are able to receive a set. However, we understand that many veterans may not have heard of our organization, and there are some who do not have computer access or the ability to apply on-line. We also understand that verbal communication about our organization may easily be forgotten, by someone whose memory is impaired. 

To expedite the process of obtaining the AVBI Tag and ID card, and help us serve more American Veterans with Brain Injuries, we would greatly appreciate your assistance. Please keep in mind that the ID card was specifically designed to list impairments associated with a brain injury. We feel that if it was used in any other way it may compromise the importance and credibility of its intended purpose. We hope that you will also respect its intent.

We deny all requests for bulk orders for AVBI Tags & ID Cards and require an application be on file for each set we send out to a Veteran. The application process helps us to maintain a data base of American Veterans who have suffered brain injuries. Which in turn allows us to follow up with the veteran and provide injury specific information and resources. This has been helpful to many veterans and their families, particularly as regulations change that may affect the Veteran’s entitled benefits or as additional programs get added to the system of care. We also feel that our organization’s data base is a necessary component to help us address the long-term and ever-changing needs of these families.

How to Help AVBI:

Help a veteran apply now, by completing the on-line application.

Download, print and handout the AVBI Tag and ID card Information & Application document. (The PDF document is designed to use one sheet of paper, printed on both sides.) (Instructions for mailing included)

Request printed brochures, or a (demo) AVBI Tag and ID card, contact us directly. (Please include your mailing address, position, and agency, department or organizational information.) Due to our limited funds; brochures can currently only be sent out in groups of 5.

To help AVBI continue to supply these Medical Alert Tags and ID Cards to Veterans and Servicemembers

If you have questions about any of the programs or services please contact us via email.