AVBI Medical Alert Program

The everyday lives of veterans who have suffered a brain injury are being made easier by the AVBI Medical alert & I.D. card Program.
AVBI is providing a medical alert dog tag and a tri-fold credit-card sized identity card in a small carrying case, to American Veterans who have suffered brain injuries. For veterans who may be rendered helpless due to seizure or other medical condition(s); the dog tag will alert medical personal to the identity card for further information. The identity card not only contains medical conditions and pertinent information; it lists common impairments and can be used to help a brain injured veteran better communicate their difficulties, particularly in times of stress. 

Both the dog tag and the ID card contain the AVBI logo. The card includes the wording on one side; “I am not mentally ill; I am an American Veteran who suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury.” and some impairments associated with a brain injury. The other side has blank spaces for personal and emergency contact information and the wording; “The purpose of this card is to list some of the symptoms associated with a brain injury. I would appreciate your patience and understanding and I will work with you to the extent I am capable. I ask that you please read both sides of this card and if I seem to need additional assistance, please contact the emergency person(s) listed, as soon as possible.”

Presentation of the card helps encourage patience and understanding if (or when) a person with brain injury encounters difficulties whilst carrying out routine daily activities. This card has been proven to be very useful in helping explain the major symptoms of a TBI whether just trying to explain it to friends or when interacting with law enforcement officials. It WILL NOT keep law enforcement officials from doing their job, yet it may keep difficult situations from escalating due to misunderstanding.

Caseworkers and medical professionals; please click here for additional information and printable applications for the AVBI Tag & ID Card.
How to Apply:
Servicemembers and Veterans, who have suffered a brain injury, are encouraged to APPLY NOW for an AVBI Medical  Alert Tag & ID card. Please fill out the on-line application or download the application document. (Instructions for mailing included) Once we have approved the application we will mail the veteran, FREE of charge; 1 medical alert dog tag w/chain and a tri-fold card in a clear plastic pouch (similar to the one pictured below).
*If you have any questions or difficulty filling out the application email or call 850-994-AVBI (2824)
This program is made possible through a grant by the Bob Woodruff Foundation, which provides resources and support to injured service members, veterans, and their families so they can have successful futures. For more information about the Bob Woodruff Foundation, visit www.remind.org

AVBI 'Mission Possible'

AVBI supports our members with access to web based exercise program to improve brain health and cognitive performance
To support and encourage the self-improvement & recovery efforts of servicemembers & veterans who have suffered a brain injury, AVBI is providing 1 year subscriptions for the Lumosity on-line brain training program to qualified AVBI members.
Over the last few decades scientists have discovered that individuals can improve cognitive abilities, even after an injury to the brain, by training or challenging brain activity. Based on the theory of neuroplasticity, the use of brain games in conjunction with other rehabilitative therapies has improved cognitive function. Numerous scientific reports state that brain training produces real world benefits and may enhance memory, creativity, attention, mental flexibility and speed of processing.

Although AVBI makes no claims, implied or otherwise, in regards to the effectiveness of the Lumosity program to improve cognition or brain performance; Lumosity is well researched and easy to use web-based brain training program. For more visit Lumosity.com 
How to participate in this offer:
Qualified members* must first apply for the AVBI medical alert tag & ID card (if you haven't already). Once you have received your AVBI medical alert Tag & ID card, go to Lumosity.com and create an account. During the FREE trial period you’ll be able to try out the program and decide if the Lumosity program is something you would like to continue using. If you feel this program would enhance the other therapies you are receiving and has the potential to assist with your overall recovery; apply here when the trial period is due to expire. AVBI will provide you, via email, a one year subscription activation code.
If you have difficulty with the application process contact AVBI.

*Qualified members: Servicemembers/veterans, having served “honorably”, who suffered a medically documented brain injury while in service to the United States Armed Forces.

The costs associated with a one year subscription with Lumosity is $79.95.
Please Donate if you would like to help AVBI continue to support our servicemembers/veterans with this program.
Via PayPal
 Mail Donations to:
American Veterans with Brain Injuries, Inc.
4960 Hwy 90 Box #173
Pace, Fl 32571


A co-operative program that offers financial assistance to AVBI members, so they may participate in adaptive sports & recreation programs.
American Veterans with Brain Injuries and The Phoenix-Fund are pleased to announce; “OPERATION PHOENIX” a collaborative effort to help Brain Injured Veterans attend some very important outdoor events. Proceeds from the sale of our “OPERATION PHOENIX” shirts and a portion of donations will be committed to defraying costs to attend outdoor events that promote rehabilitation through recreational challenges. These events encourage independence, challenging participants to exceed their perceived limitations, and building self-confidence through adaptive recreational activities.

Current programs endorsed & supported by "Operation Phoenix"; National Disabled Veterans Winter Clinic and National Disabled Veterans Summer Clinic Co-sponsored by the VA and Disabled American Veterans (DAV), these programs are available to wounded & disabled Veterans of the US Armed Forces. Veterans & caregivers are responsible for the costs associated with their transportation & lodging. Caregivers are also responsible for their own meals.

Update: AVBI awarded grants to help off set the costs of attending the National Disabled Veterans Winter Sports Clinic in Snowmass, CO. and the National Disabled Veterans Summer Sports Clinic, CA.  
“OPERATION PHOENIX” shirts are available now through the on line store at www.phoenix-fund.org. Help our veterans attend these meaningful events, purchase a shirt or contribute and become a part of “OPERATION PHOENIX”
T shirt

• Shirt purchases are NOT tax deductible

How to Apply: A limited number of grants are available for veterans attending the National Disabled Veterans Winter Sports Clinic(s),  To be considered you must first meet the general eligibility requirements:
* You suffered a medically documented brain injury while in service to the United States Armed Forces and served honorably OR you are the family member / caregiver of a wounded service member or veteran as described and are attending the National Disabled Veterans sports clinic with the eligible veteran.
* You have applied and have received your acceptance letter from the National Disable Veterans Winter or Summer Sports Clinic.
* You have minimal financial assistance to cover the transportation and lodging costs associated with attending the WSC for you or your caregiver/attendant.

If you meet the general eligibility requirements; Download the AVBI DV Sports Clinic Grant Application and mail the completed application and supporting documents to:
American Veterans with Brain Injuries
4960 Hwy 90 Box #173
Pace, Fl 32571
*Applications must be received by AVBI no later than 30 days prior to the specific event.
Please Donate if you would like to help AVBI continue to support our servicemembers/veterans with this grant program.
Via PayPal
 Mail Donations to:
American Veterans with Brain Injuries, Inc.
4960 Hwy 90 Box #173
Pace, Fl 32571


Peer support is offered through individual contact by phone, email or group interaction in our Chat room.
Follow the 'Live Chat' tab above to participate or for more information. 

If you have questions about any of the programs or services listed please contact us via email.

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